I Heart LOWLIFES (2024)

NOTE: Today is Thursday, January 9, 2025. I had planned to write this post at the end of the month, however, due to current events here in L.A., I found myself with a great deal of free time on my schedule. Time and a Mac with 47 percent battery life. No power, no internet, just a really good laptop and nothing better to do on day 2 of waiting for the city to restart and get back to work. My heart goes out to every resident who had no option but to evacuate in such short notice, to everyone whose home and life-long memories were destroyed so suddenly, but, specially, my heart goes out to each and every family who tragically lost loved ones in these horrific fires. To firefighters, aerial firefighters, first responders, and law enforcement, my outmost respect and admiration goes out to you. To top state and city officials whose incompetence and negligence allowed for this recurrent natural disaster to get out of control so barbarically, you are on your own.

Hello and a quick question: what does The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, House of 1000 Corpses, and Mother’s Day have in common? A dysfunctional family, yes, a reclusive family, yes, a violent family, yes, a cannibal family, yes, but not super always, a family who would defend itself when an uninvited guest intrudes on their domestic life, yesssssssa. These movies have all that in common plus the fact that their colorful characters—I am avoiding calling them white trash or hillbilly because I would never insult who I love—are my favorite. There is something so badass about a group of people who, for one reason or another, do not follow societal norms and choose to live by their own rules outside polite society. But do not get it wrong, that those broken rules are highly questionable is a totally different subject and all I am saying is that, for me, that rebellion against being perfect, heck, against being plain normal and average, is so intoxicating to me.

Enter Lowlifes (2024), a Tubi original Canadian horror movie deserving of a million five-star reviews and whose story showcases my favorite kind of family. The movie was done so well that even its trailer was put together nicely and did NOT reveal anything crucial; please, if you are interested, hit play and watch it now.

I have watched the movie three times and I am happy to say that with each passing view I pick up more little details which, goodness me, are like tiny little treasures left behind by the filmmakers as a reward for our honest interest in their work. The first time you watch Lowlifes you will be joyous, surprised, and amused (it is a total hoot, nothing but good times); the second time you will be a bit quiet, really paying attention to the dialogue and interactions (you will find yourself thinking, Damn, that was actually pretty smart, nicely done); by the third time you will be so relaxed as the movie is now familiar to you and you love the feeling it generates in your being (okay, maybe this last part only applies to me), and you will be sitting there laughing with gusto, saying back in unison your favorite lines, all while thanking your lucky stars that it only takes a movie like this to make you forget about the outside world and its many problems. Good. Life good.


“Kids, am I right, they’re kinda the worst.” –Keith 
“You are an addict AND a lesbian?” –Keith
“I’d rather eat PUSSY than people!” –Amy
“Yer cannibals?” –Savannah
“Awh! I love your accent!” –Keith

Innocent family crosses paths with a family of cannibalistic murderers. The cannibalistic murderers:

The Manning’s were a typical L.A. family from Calabasas—affluent, conservative, loving—who would go on a yearly road trip to hunt down and eat drifters. The daughter, Amy, was in college and getting too old for the family tradition, or “hobby” as she would derogatorily call it whenever intentionally trying to upset her dad, Keith. The mom, Kathleen, was nothing much but a shell of a woman, a follower, afraid to stand up for herself or anyone or anything, staying terribly busy with her pills. The son, Jeffrey, was the pride and joy of Keith because he, at only 16 years of age, displayed great interest and capability in the generations-long Manning tradition, so much so that Keith would reward him with a drifter’s tongue (Jeffrey’s favorite) for showing initiative, naturally, the gifting would get performed without Kathleen’s knowledge as it would be impolite expressing favoritism between children.

Their RV might have been a bit old, after all, it was passed down each generation. Grandpa Manning, dad Manning, daughter Manning. Amy knew her role as the first born and she did not want any of it; not the road trips, not the violence, not the killings, not the eating, even though the eyeballs were indeed her favorite. She wanted none of it. What Amy wanted was to be close to her girlfriend, or to any girl if we are being honest. And marijuana. A chill life without eating people, just lots of love and pot.

As the Manning’s were getting ready to continue their journey up north, a pair of colorful locals, Billy and Vern, stopped by the RV to ask about their missing relative, Melior, who had not showed up for skinning that morning and whose truck was found in a ditch miles away. Pardon me, I should have first mentioned that the happy Angeleno family had just finished eating their lunch, so, yeah, definitely no Melior.

Billy and Vern were your stereotypical scary-looking, low-status, uneducated, rural folks, and yes, because they were intimidating as hell, the Manning’s did not want to do anything with them and played dumb and nice to stay away from trouble. However, because we needed to have a movie, conflict started developing and yada, yada, yada, now the Manning’s had abandoned Vern and killed and chopped dear, sweet Billy, and were en route onto Billy’s house.

The Cleary’s were a God-fearing, hard-working, rough around the edges, all-American honest family of four: Billy, the big cousin, Juli Ann and Savannah, the baby cousins, and Pa Neville, the great uncle. They were considered as normal as anyone else around the area, solitary and weird, perhaps, but normal nonetheless.

Pa had a few health problems of his own, in spite of that, he was as sweet as apple pie and made sure “Billy’s” unexpected guests felt as welcome and comfortable as possible in his home (they were even invited to stay for supper and to spend the night in the spare room). Savannah was smart and sensitive, happy to take care of the home and the family (but still debating about going to Community College), she was also an accomplished archer and a pianist, and a lesbian (why Juli Ann was obsessed with revealing that last piece of personal information about her sister to strangers was beyond me). Juli Ann was training to be a hairdresser while pursuing a serious relationship with her boyfriend, Big Mac. Billy was in the venison meat business with Vern. See? Normal.

To me, the beauty of Lowlifes did not rely so much on the stereotyping of groups of people based on their socioeconomical status (rural/urban, blue-collar/white-collar) & on the severe contrast between them when forced to interact, but rather, on the stereotyping within those groups of people. The shock of it all was not, again, to me, the fact that the polite individuals of L.A. were the scary cannibals and the local folks were not. The real surprise was that the cannibal dad from L.A. was crazy enough to eat his own eye like it was nothing, and that the strong, independent local woman was sensitive enough to feel hurt whenever someone criticized her elaborate meal. One was an animal, the other was a delicate flower.

In the end, everyone died with the exception of Amy, the closeted lesbian from L.A., the one who wanted to leave her past behind, the one who rather ate pussy than people. So, let’s go forth, dear Amy, go live your best life without the shackles of the past, without the consequences of your actions. Please, go now.

As for me, I’m also gonna go, but to Tubi to watch the movie for a fourth time. Y’all should join me. GO ON, GIT!

In Love and Fear,


© 2016-2025

The Horror Movie I Never Knew I Needed A.K.A. Team Johnny – IN A VIOLENT NATURE (2024)

Do you know what I hate the most about writing today’s blog post? That I have the unfamiliar urge to policing my words, of being mindful of how I come across; not too uptight or guarded, or worse, not too annoying or simple-minded. Suddenly, after eight years of having created marathMARATH, I find myself fearful of my own voice. But fearful of what, exactly?

I have been staring at this untitled and blank Word document for an uncomfortable long period of time. I should be doing something else, something vaguely more productive. My perfectionist side is screaming at me, telling me to get on with it, while its counter is simply silent.


Although, it is not just any horror movie, is it? It is more than that. I had never seen anything like it and, quite frankly, I lost my freaking mind. Yes, I passionately loved it, yes, but some people hated it, called it pretentious and a waste of time. Could I be wrong? So alarmingly mistaken? Or, could it be that In a Violent Nature (2024) represents a before and after in the genre? Can horror go back to being one-sided? Or, has a door been opened for a new type of storytelling, one that focuses solely, entirely, absolutely, exclusively, yes, completely on the bad guy? The bad guy as the main character, the one who is followed by the camera the whole time, the one you care for? Yes, care for.

And, ladies and gentlemen, that is the crux of my discomfort and apparent fear today: of being judged as problematic for caring about the bad guy… (*ew! passive hybristophilia? as if! what the actual hell*)… hold on, wait a second, what am I even talking about? That is nonsense. I am not problematic. I simply went along with the filmmaker’s vision and intention for his experimental slasher movie – he flipped the script and it worked on me, period.

Phew! That was a close call. I feel so much lighter and clearheaded now… (*guess what the girlies say about writing down your inner thoughts and feelings is true hahaha*)… um, well, it seems that today I am bringing you that ultra fresh, 110%, A++ content so let’s continue with it, shall we?


First things first, you do know what In a Violent Nature is about, right? Well, in the off-chance you do not, let me give it to you straight: it is about an undead slasher villain, Johnny, who is awaken from a supernatural curse when his dead mom’s golden locket is stolen from his own unmarked grave, and so his goal—getting the locket back—begins, and nothing, or no one, will stop him from achieving it. 

I was fascinated by the beginning of the movie as it really set the mood in a way that said, Hey, we really do not care about the soon-to-be victims, so we do not even need to look at them while they are talking among themselves, we need to look, however, at the resting place of Johnny which means just dirt and greenery from the woods. So, when one of the soon-to-be victims steals the golden locket from his unmarked grave, fact that gets asserted by a young hand infiltrating the frame, and cowardly leaving soon after, then, and only then, is when the camera moves atop Johnny’s resting place and slowly, in real time, shows him crawling out of the ground. And so, effective immediately, we closely follow him from behind on this unexpected and inconvenient chore of his.

Right away I realized that if someone had returned the locket without any issues or drama, Johnny would not have hurt, okay, killed anyone. He literally did not give a damn about you, he simply wanted his property back, so if you came across his way, he would eliminate you, nothing personal, just business; it could have been you, your friend, their friend, their mom, their accountant, their mechanic, well, you understand what I am getting at… you meant nothing to Johnny.

I found Johnny, the already established main character, quite interesting as he, in the most humanly way possible, resembled a wild animal in its natural habitat, with nothing on its mind except for the instinctual hunt. Sure, legend had it that he was a naive, special-needs kid when he tragically died due to a prank gone wrong at the hands of hateful adults who had a grudge against his greedy father, and wanted to teach him a lesson at the expense of innocent, little Johnny and, heck, long story short, the adults also killed the father after he confronted them about Johnny’s death. Current Johnny, animalistic-like Johhny, might not be the small, ‘slow’ kid he once was, but the supernatural, slow-walking adult version of his eternal vengeful spirit, and I was soooo here for it! (Go Johnny!)

Let me be clear, okay? I need you to understand one thing: my fascination with Johnny was rightfully earned thanks to the astute way the story was presented by the writer and director where facts and objectivity were king, although, to be fair, I am well aware that my being an open-minded person and always having a great appreciation for the art of moviemaking, elevated my watching experience. Wait, hold on, see? I am sounding pretentious now… mmh, let me recalibrate… what I should have said two sentences ago was that I am not your average dude who… alright, never mind, I need to stop digging my own grave.

Johnnyyyyyy. Johnny was supernatural, thus possessed supernatural strength and was masterful when using it against others. Side note, can we all agree that the pretzel-yoga-girl death scene will go down in history as being one of the most gruesome, memorable, and creative deathly attacks ever put together and shot on film? Brilliant, just brilliant craftsmanship.

Another death scene that made me audibly awe in admiration was the Park Ranger’s. When Johnny severed the spinal cord—immediately rendering the Ranger unable to move or talk—and tortured him slowing by slicing him with the industrial wood cutting machine, was the moment when I knew the filmmaker was all in in this experimental slasher movie of his. He broke many unspoken rules and my brain was buzzing with elation and excitement.

What else can I say about In a Violent Nature? That I appreciated the really, really long takes, the walking in the woods in real time during night and day, all the sounds, all the visuals, the original camera angles, the meticulously detailed work put together when marrying the peaceful and relaxing scenes with the horrible realities of life cycles in nature. Because remember, Johnny was an animal-like behemoth with no intrinsic bad intentions, that was why when he finally got back his golden locket, he eagerly returned to his tranquil, solitary slumber six feet under.


In Love and Fear,


P.S. Because I have way too much free time on my hands:

© 2016-2024

When One Thing Leads to Another: WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE? (1962)

Hello friend! How are you doing? I am great and currently on vacation, reporting from the Crowne Plaza Milwaukee South hotel while the family is out and about. (Decided to have a quiet and restful afternoon by myself, in case you were wondering.) Is it worth mentioning that today’s writing companions are stale coffee, cold leftovers, and a view so pretty that makes said lackluster beverage and food combo a-okay? No? Well then, let’s get down to business.

Last week we watched Maxxxine (2024) at the theater and thought it was just okay, granted, that very film, the third and final installment in the X trilogy, was our first introduction to the franchise and, you could argue, our lack of attachment to it was the reason why the story did not resonate with us. Sure, we deliberately [and selfishly] went to see the movie because it took place in Hollywood during the 80’s and wanted to indulge in the nostalgia of the good old days, and that we did. So, to follow the same sentiment of not doing things chronologically, let’s begin by the end with What Ever Happened to Baby Jane (1962).

After watching the movie, reading the book, and listening to the audiobook—all for the first time in the last few days—I can safely say I am now a What Ever Happened to Baby Jane afficionado, as well as a fan of Henry Farrell’s original 1960 novel. I know I am biased, but the story was arguably so great that just two years after the book was published it was adapted into a Hollywood movie – if that is not proof of creative and artistic prowess, I do not know what is.

Right, here is my quick summary of the movie with SPOILERS: A family of four—mom, dad, and two little girls—rely financially on the income made by the younger one as a Child Star who, if not for her all-American, daddy’s-little-girl cute looks, would be regarded as a sham by the public due to her lack of natural talent as a performer. The child, Jane, perhaps in frustration and sensing she does not deserve all the attention and fame she is getting, behaves like an insufferable brat and is unnecessarily mean and hurtful to her family, including to her sister, Blanche. Blanche is more demure and mindful, undeniably the good sister, the one whose potential is so real and palpable that you can predict for her a solid and successful career in showbiz in a decade or so. And it does happen. Blanche, now a young woman, is an established Movie Star with studio contracts so generous that she makes sure to help her now-forgotten, has-been sister by requiring she too has a role in all her films, even if it calls for Jane to play background roles as Cigarette Girl Number 3. Humiliated, Jane acts out again but now by drinking heavily and by embarrassing Blanche at public events, thus, when the [un]lucky opportunity presents itself while no one is looking, she tries to run her over with a moving vehicle… one sister ends up traumatized and the other paralyzed. And here, my dear horror friend, is where the movie really begins.

A few decades later, Jane was a scary old hag, mainly because of her untreated mental illness, but also because of her stubbornness about wearing age-inappropriate clothes and unflattering makeup. On the inside she was ugly too, alas, she had a job to do ever since Blanche ended up in a wheelchair. Jane was a bitter, resentful, and mean caretaker, expressing her volatile emotions in unhealthy ways, only making things worse for everyone.

Blanche was an elegant mature lady, even during paraplegia. There was something so undeniable about her, about her good character, good values, she was all in all a good person. Attractive too, sure, she radiated not only beauty and health, but strength and resilience. She was simply Blanche.

Was Jane triggered more than usual by recent tv reruns of Blanche’s work? Yes. Was Jane jealous of Blanche’s joyful reaction to watching herself on tv? Yes. Was Jane determined to having a much-deserved comeback as Baby Jane—her childhood stage name—so people would idolize her again, love her again? Yes. Would she be able to balance both her hatred toward Blanche and her own self-obsession and self-pity? No, not at all.

If you were Jane, you would perceive what happens next as a series of pranks and misunderstandings, all meanspirited, yes, but certainly not meant to hurt Blanche; she would never hurt Blanche, she took care of Blanche. If you were Blanche, you would perceive reality as it is, because this is reality and you are being kept captive in your own home, slowly being killed by your sister who desperately needs psychiatric medical intervention. One sister was the tormentor and one was the victim, but only one knew it.

I have to pause here to say there was one thing I did not like about Blanche: her constant enabling of Jane’s horrid behavior. Over and over, and without consequences, she let herself be mistreated. It was infuriating to watch. I could not understand how this very sensible and smart woman was so stupid when it came to her sister, I mean, was there something we did not know? Was there more to the story? Was Blanche keeping a secret? If so, how bad could it be? Would it be worth her own life? Anyway.

So long story short, Jane’s drinking and unbalanced mind made her murder the housekeeper, injure the pianist (in the book he barely made it alive), and torture and starve her sister. And in the final scene, when a psychotic Jane takes a moribund Blanche to the beach to reminisce about their childhood, Blanche confesses to Jane that she had done it all to herself, that Blanche had cause her own paraplegia when she had tried to run her, Jane, over with her car. Jane would not remember this as she was drunk, scared, and traumatized, repressing it all. Blanche also confesses that she hated her, Jane, and that she had wanted payback for all the times Jane had made her life impossible as a child, so much so that when Blanche gained status and power through her movie career, she made sure to always have a contract clause that would ‘imprison’ Jane in small parts so she would never leave, never start a new life, never get married and have a family of her own. This was Blanche’s revenge.

“Then, you mean, all this time we could’ve been friends.” –Jane [timidly offers that assertion as she is being told her life was hijacked and wasted due to unresolved childhood resentment. Her reaction was not to ask in a loud and angry voice, How dare you, How could you, I could have done and been so much more, but instead, We could have always been friends? Heartbreaking.]

Perfect time to show why Baby Jane reminded me of Pearl, or vice versa:

A young Pearl was obsessed with Hollywood movie starlets and believed she had the same abilities as them. Even though she lived in rural America during the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, and was waiting for her husband to return from WWI, she knew she was destined for stardom and was resolute to do everything in her power to escape the boredom of her life. She, like Jane, was delusional about her artistic talent as she had exactly none of it. Also, just like Jane, Pearl threw an extremely embarrassing tantrum—a really uncomfortable spectacle to watch—when confronted by ‘adults’ or, better put, by figures of authority in the industry, with the fact that she was not good.

Likewise, Pearl and Jane seemed to have had roadblocks on their mental and emotional development as adults, and also appeared to suffer from delusions of grandeur because they saw each other as the ultimate and perfect performer, when in reality they were dummies without talent. Murderous, sociopathic dummies for sure, yes, but dummies nonetheless.

Okay, I need your full attention here, we’re almost done: The X trilogy consists of Pearl (2022) who follows a young and deranged Pearl in 1918; continued by X (2022) who follows pornographic actress Maxxxine in 1979 as she crosses paths with an older and still deranged Pearl; ending with Maxxxine (2024) set in 1985 where we focus again on the x-rated actress as she makes it into the mainstream media. Young Pearl, old Pearl, and Maxxxine were played by the same actress and, to me, that was the entire gimmick of the franchise; Pearl was the one movie worth my time and attention out of the three, if I am being honest with you.

So, what was learned today? That when you are curious enough, one thing might lead to another. That if I go to the cinema to watch a random 80’s-inspired movie, I might end up liking better a different movie related to said random movie; that if I enjoy the related movie so much, it might make me want to watch [for the first time] the black & white classic movie where the main character is as histrionic as this one; and that if I watch said classic movie, I might fall in love with it so hard, and with such a passion, that I might end up telling you all about it.

In Love and Fear,


© 2016-2024