Original Post Date: 12.05.16

VHS (2012) – 12.05.16 (8:04pm PT)

This movie was not what I was expecting it to be. Somehow I had the idea that some random dude had found a bunch of snuff films and we were watching them with him… nope, well kinda, instead it was a bunch of low-life criminals who had the job to break into a house and look for a tape but instead they found a shitload of tapes and the ones played to us were scary as shit.

This movie was a fresh take on Creepshow, as well as Tales from the Darkside, in the way that it told the horror anthologies.

Holy fuck, I cannot tell you how bloody scary was the segment called “Amateur Night”. The girl, our main girl, Lily, had a crazy stare and was very unsettling. The first second the ‘google glasses’ laid eyes on her you knew she was trouble. By the way, the entire VHS segments, including the main one with the low-life criminals (man, I hated their characters! All the cursing was so unnecessary [says the woman who on this post has cursed more than three times]), was shot in the found footage/shaken camera style all throughout the movie so be prepared to roll your eyes a couple of times.

In regards to Lily I have to stress that the reason why I liked her so much was because at first she was perceived as this frail woman who could be taken advantage of but as the segment progresses you learn that that is not the case! As per usual, I am not going to ruin the ending for you but all I have to say is that Lily’s character deserves her own feature movie and even a franchise of its own! I want to see more women in charge, even if they are the bad guys.

Here’s Lily, my main girl:


This fresh blood made me feel rejuvenated.
