Dead Snow Kills Me LOL

When you think about funny foreign movies, Nazi zombies causing ruckus in the snowy mountains of Norway should not be what immediately comes into your mind, but—surprise!—that is what happens to me thanks to Dead Snow (2009). The movie is a funny horror story about a group of friends who gets terrorized by greedy Nazi zombies, all while trying to have an honest-to-God good time over a secluded cabin. (Those cabins in the middle of nowhere, man, I mean, every single time!)



Here are the reasons why Dead Snow has me HaHa-ing and LOL-ing like nobody’s business:

~Erlend and his many Hollywood references as well as each time he speaks in English

~Erlend and Chris’s love scene at the outhouse and when Chris ‘falls’ into the latrine

~When Erlend gets killed, but only because of that head-splits-and-brain-drops moment

~Every time Martin—a Med student—shows how much of a frighten hot mess he is at the sight of blood

~When Martin and Roy are left behind at the cabin to wait for Sara and Vegard and this happens:

~The awkward way the Nazi zombies run across the snow, I mean, yes, they look menacing and scary, but mainly awkward

~When Liv is getting gutted by two zombies and she somehow grabs a grenade from one of their belts and the other zombie sees it and kind of gives an Oh-oh look

~When Martin—a now miraculously changed brave man—gets bitten and decides to low-key amputate his own arm and, ahem, something else? Here, take a look:

~When Roy gets gutted by a tree branch… but it is only funny because that is how the creepy visitor predicted he was going to die after Roy was a total jerk to him

~When Martin, against all odds, is the sole survivor and makes it safely to the car and finds the hidden gold coin from Hanna and, oh no, suddenly the main badass treasure-hungry Nazi zombie gets outside his window and a very clear, loud, and satisfying “FUCK” is said by the very proper Martin


The End,


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