Fun with the Guys at THE HOUSES OCTOBER BUILT (2014)

If you are like me, you love going to haunted houses come Halloween time, and if you are also like me, you like having fun with the guys. Well, my horror friend, if neither Halloween nor your guys are around to have a good time #COVIDlife, I have the perfect temporary (1hr 31min to be exact) solution for you: THE HOUSES OCTOBER BUILT (2014)

The Houses October Built is a fun movie, and when I say fun I mean almost resembling the kind of fun you would have with your friends IRL. Let me explain.

The movie was shot in the infamous handheld/first person/shaky camera style which, as we know, if not done well it’s really annoying, but surprise, surprise, it really worked in this case because it put you in the perfect frame of mind of you being with your buddies messing around with your camera phones, go-pros, and whatnots.

So the whole movie takes place while the gang drives around the country for one week looking for the perfect haunt, like the next level haunt, the one that would not kill you but almost maybe could. They get into some pretty nice looking haunts and meet some pretty interesting characters who, by the way, are mostly clowns. Giggles was my favorite clown, I mean, what’s not to love? The clean outfit, the perfect laugh, the perfect dance moves, I mean…

Giggles the Clown The Houses October Built 2014.gif

Okay, I am not going to spoil the movie for you but as you would imagine, our friends did end up finding that extreme haunt and, man, that’s when the real fun began – SO GOOD!

Also real quick, if you yourself don’t really know what an extreme haunt is, go here for a wholesome introduction to the subject, but on the other hand if you yourself are a crazy person who must experience some masochistic fun at the expense of your own sanity, safety, and freedom because oh-it-feels-so-good, then go here and may god bless you, my child.

See you on the next one,


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